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Ensuring that funding is well spent


  • Championed the Marsh Road Drainage Channel Repair, which won an award for on-time and under-budget project completion. 

  • As Mayor in 2018, I guided the work with Council and the Civic Center Advisory Committee (CCAC) to re-design the Civic Center project because construction bids were over estimates.  A full re-design and re-bid was completed in 2018 and the Town was able to award a contract that was within its budget.

  • Supported the adoption of a 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan to control spending during the Civic Center’s construction.

  • Worked to secure funding for 5 years of Town operational expenses through Certificates of Participation (COP).


Championing for our residents 

  • When Measure A,  the advisory measure for limiting funding on the new Civic Center, passed, even though the vote did not carry the weight of law, we respected the spirit of the decision and the Town committed to not raise taxes to support construction.

  • When Measure M, the measure to improve the baseball field in Holbrook Palmer Park, passed, the projected costs threatened the viability of the field.  I worked with the community and Little League to modify the scope of work and make the field a reality.  

  • When residents on the rail corridor expressed their frustration over excessive noise pollution, and Caltrain insisted nothing could be done, I worked closely with community representatives and the Federal Railroad Administration to make the first and only Quiet Zone on the peninsula a reality.  


Protecting Public Safety

  • Joined the Police Chief Recruitment Subcommittee because I believed that this decision was so fundamental to the Town’s well-being that the Council should be involved.  

  • Worked to complete a town-wide traffic study and long-range planning study to ensure traffic flow through Town and increase public safety.

  • Worked to complete the establishment of bicycle lanes on Middlefield Road.

  • Worked with Caltrans and MPFD to install hybrid beacons along El Camino Real to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety. 


Moving Towards the Future

  • Supported the installation of fiberoptic throughout Town, at no cost to the Town.

  • Currently on the subcommittee negotiating the details of an MOU with Caltrain for the closure of the Atherton Train Station.

  • Started on-going work to identify potential locations for a Storm Water Capture Facility that aids in minimizing pollutants entering the Bay.

  • Adopted the Town’s Green Infrastructure Plan addressing all activities relating to stormwater infrastructure.

  • On the subcommittee considering and negotiating a new franchise agreement with Greenwaste to ensure the Town has state-of-the-art recycling and compost services.  


Handling the Unexpected

  • Worked to incorporate the guidelines set forth in the Governor's Proclamation of a State of Emergency, Novel Coronavirus 2019, into the Town’s daily operation.

  • After the local state of emergency was declared, as the Town’s appointee to work with residents and the construction industry, we created guidelines to safely restart public and private construction.  These guidelines have been the model for other agencies.

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